marți, 31 octombrie 2017

Teatru interactiv in limba engleza - The fall of the Roman Empire - 10/2017

Cinematograful Amza Pellea a gazduit marti 31 octombrie 2017 un eveniment cu totul deosebit, si anume un spectacol de teatru interactiv in limba engleza sustinut de trupa de teatru din Marea Britanie INTER-ACTING. Spectacolul s-a intitulat The FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE (CADEREA IMPERIULUI ROMAN). Trupa al carui motto este LAUGH WHILE YOU LEARN, a propus, in premiera pentru elevii scolii noastre, o experienta de invatare prin teatru. O comedie interactiva, in care copiii au urcat pe scena, au performat, au invatat, dar s-au si distrat copios. Spectacolul s-a adresat elevilor claselor 5-8.
That is a very good way to learn English”- Teodor Domintean 7C
I appreciate that they communicated with the public and invited them on stage. They tried to bring the play nowadays, to impress and attract the kids, but not only the kids, also the adults. I recommend you to follow these actors; maybe you’ll be lucky and have the chance to watch them on stage.”- Teodora Popoiu 7C
It was the funniest theatre play that I’ve ever seen.” Tudor Ovesea 7C,
It was something new and amazing for us and I hope I’ll see them again. The actors asked us a lot of questions, and took some kids to be their companions on stage.” Folea Roxana 7C.
The theatre play was awesome. It was unique, different from the rest of the plays I’ve been to. The actors were interacting with the audience and I found that really fascinating. I loved it!” Anda Tisca 7C.